This site is dedicated to the testing of assumptions; the exploration of ideas to see which are valid, which are disproved, and which need more examination.
Some of the ideas may be challenging, apparently offensive, impractical, or to some, axiomatic. That’s okay. There is a genuine heartfelt desire not to offend, but often to challenge the status quo. Typically what at first appears offensive in the not-politically-correct sense is simply not explained well and may need a second reading. Then too, it may reflect a stage of learning which isn’t yet complete. If some cultural issue is, say, only 90% understood, the expression of it may find a 10% margin of offensiveness. Bear in mind that the final 10% of a full understanding is still a core goal. In this context, it is worth mentioning that once published, articles will tend to remain in place even if a viewpoint changes. Views and ideas change all the time, and sometimes a particular article may represent only a single stage on the path to a more fully-considered one.
The articles on this site are primarily long-form essays. It must be noted that an essay can often be written in order to find out what you think. As you write through your consideration of various points and arguments, a viewpoint begins to emerge. As already implied, this should not be understood as a full and final one, but as one which is always subject to change or adjustment as new information presents itself.
This is a place for the open-minded.